Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 6 - We moved to C5!

Good news on Haley's echo this morning! Her right ventricular function is definitely improved if not quite back to what it was before surgery. We are just so thrilled that it was better, not the same or worse! So they stopped her Milrinone this morning and monitored her to make sure she was doing okay once it left her system (which takes 6-8 hours). They had originally told us that we would be staying in the CICU tonight for monitoring post-Milrinone, unless she looked like a million bucks and then they might send us to C5. We were thrilled when they came in and said we were going to C5 because she looked so good! :) We made that move around 5 pm and it's so nice to be settled in our own private room with its' own bathroom and a full size sleeper couch. Haley also had a record meal this afternoon - she ate 185 ml, a little over 6 oz, all in one whack! I hope that this is foreshadowing for the future: a hungry baby who meets her feeding goals!

Grandma (my mom) is being extra nice tonight. She took over Haley-sitting around 7 and is letting us have a date night! We went to dinner at Basi, our favorite restaurant, and it was delicious. Afterwards we did a little Christmas shopping - I found my favorite present for Haley, a book called "Llama llama red pajamas". One of our nurses recommended it and it is truly adorable. Now we're lying about in our pajamas, relaxing, and watching TV which sounded better than going to a movie or anything else we could think of! Grandma called to report that Haley-bug is now zonked out and hopefully asleep for the night, so she will stay on baby duty unless Haley wakes up and wants to party and then she might have to call for back up. What luxury, a whole evening and night to ourselves (mostly, away from the hospital)! The only thing that would be better would be a night at home with our Haley-bug and our critters, but hopefully we'll have that sooner rather than later. :) Grandma did ask the doctor tonight if there was any chance of us going home tomorrow, but she said no, we would need to spend at least a couple days on C5. Here's hoping we have an uneventful hospital stay from now on!

P.S. Haley would like to thank everyone for all the wonderful cards! The hospital only delivers them on weekdays so we were bombarded with them today - it was so much fun! She's a lucky little girl to have so many people that care about her.

P.P.S. Sorry we don't have any pictures from today. But here's a video from a couple of days before we left for the hospital, when Haley and I were having a Star Wars marathon (thus the background noise).


  1. Kristy,
    I am so glad to hear Haley is doing better!!! You all are in my thoughts and prayers! Hang in there! The three of you will be tucked in at home better than normal in no time. :o)

    Kristy Keirns

  2. So glad things are improving! And I'm so glad that you guys got to have a little time to yourselves. I can't even imagine what all you have been through over the last few weeks. You are one strong lady :)

    Please let us know if you need anything!

    Hugs and Prayers and Blessings,
    Kate :)


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