Saturday, December 5, 2009

First night away?

Haley-bug was a wonderful baby last night and slept very well! She woke up around 8:30 am today and has been awake, happy, and playful all day! It's so nice when she's so happy and alert. Above are some pictures of her playing with Mimi. :)
I'm just getting ready to head off to my friend Sydney's bachelorette party - we've rented a cabin in Logan and should have a fun night of hot tubbing, drinking margaritas, and girly gossip - sounds wonderful! I'm supposed to be staying the night there, but we'll see if I'll be able to handle my first night away from Haley. Perhaps I'll be calling Chadmo to come and get me if I get homesick and have had too many margaritas... But hopefully I'll make it, and she'll be in safe hands with Chadmo and Mimi to take care of her while I'm gone!

1 comment:

  1. How did the first night away go???? Oh, always so difficult to leave those first few times! Can't wait to hear about your much deserved girl's night away!

    Love, Emily


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