Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Well, I had a successful first night away from home! Haley-bug was very good for Daddy and Mimi, and though I was tempted to come home around 12:30 am I made myself stay and I did sleep like a log! Syd's bachelorette party was lots of fun and we got in about 3 hours of quality hot tub time - perfect for a body achy from rocking and bouncing a baby all day!
Today we had lots of fun visitors when I got home. Aunt Katy stopped by for a little bit so she could check in on Haley-bug. Then Great-Auntie Linda came by so she could meet Haley for the first time ever and Great-Grandma Stevelt came with her. Linda held Haley for awhile and Haley was very alert and good the whole time so she must've liked her a lot! :)
This afternoon Daddy and I went and got Haley's first Christmas tree - a beautiful Fraser Fir! Unfortunately Haley couldn't go because it was too cold out, but she went to Grandma's house where Grandma, Mimi, Aunt Kelly, and Grandpoppy pooled their resources and gave her a bath. Then we all had a tasty dinner at Grandma's, Great-Grandma Stevelt joined us there too. Now we're putting up our tree - I've taken a break to write this post before midnight. Daddy helped do the lights, and now Mimi and Haley are rocking in the chair and watching me put up all the ornaments!! Hopefully there will be a tree picture for tomorrow's post. In that case, I better get back to work. We head to the doctor's for another recheck tomorrow, we pray for good news/results, so I better keep decorating so I can go to bed at a decent hour! Goodnight!


  1. So glad you got your tree up! And a beautiful Fraser Fir at that ;)

    Can't wait to see a picture of Miss Haley with Christmas lights in the background!

  2. She just looks like someone who will love a Christmas tree! Looking forward to today's update and pictures (I'm glad Syd and I started commenting, we've clearly just been reading all along without giving Haley blog feedback).



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