Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 5 - Rainy Sunday

This morning/last night at 1:20 am Haley-bug finally smiled again! She had just eaten a midnight snack, was happy and playing in her bed, and when I talked to her and touched her hand she gave me a beautiful, beautiful smile!! It was wonderful!

Last night Haley and Daddy had a party, playing from 1:30 am till 4:30 am. Then Daddy decided perhaps Haley was sleepy enough that he could lay down and get some sleep. At 5 am he woke up and the nurse was working on Haley and she was crying. Apparently she wasn't thrilled with Daddy for trying to sneak in some elicit Zzz's and she had knocked the IV out of her head with her mittened hand. The nurse said she was just laying there - happy and cooing - with a little puddle of blood pooling around her head! Haley only got upset when the nurse had to pull of the adhesive that had been holding in the IV! So obviously Haley is as much a hater of having lines in her head as I am. They did not replace it and hopefully they won't have to - they do have the PICC in her arm - it's so much easier to hold her and burp her without that one in her head.

Today she really seems like our old Haley-bug again! She's waving, kicking, playing, batting, and cooing. She even grabbed ahold of her rattle, held it in her hand, moved it around, and looked at it very intently for the first time ever! She didn't really manage to 'rattle' it, but she was definitely fascinated by the fact that she could move it herself! She's been eating pretty well and sleeping well. It's so good to see her act like herself finally. Also this afternoon we were finally moved out of a curtain room to a room with doors! Still in the CICU, but so much quieter, nicer, and more private. Now we just hope for an uneventful night and we pray for good test results tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that the test results from her echo today (Monday) come back perfect, just as we are all praying for. Thinking of you all today.

    Emily, Derek, Tessa, Nolan


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