Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Trip to Wisconsin!

Dylan's first plane ride! We flew from Columbus to Milwaukee - Dyl fell asleep before we took off and slept until about 10 minutes before we landed. Yay for our excellent flier! :) (She was very good on the flight home too, even though we ended up being stuck on the plane an hour and 15 minutes longer than planned.) 

Dyl with her Great-Granny Lee. She loved that tulip. I know her arm's blocking her face in this picture, but I just love the way she's reaching.

Dylly and cousin Kylee sitting on Grandmum Wisconsin's couch. Take 1: cute Dylly smile, but both models were distracted by Bambi on the TV.

Take 2: Now only Dyl is distracted by Bambi - talk about an adorable smile, Miss Kylee!

Dyl-frill and her Great-Grandpa Lee. She just smiled and smiled at him, it was adorable. We can't wait till he can take her to see the moo-cows like he does with Kylee. :)

Dylan with her Great Grandparents - Bob & Mary Lee. It was wonderful to see them, Chad and I hadn't seen them in almost 2 years, and it was their first time meeting Dylan. We can't go so long between visits again!

I managed to sneak in a picture of Auntie Melissa and Grandmum Wisconsin, the behind-the-scenes entertainment to trick Dylly into smiling/looking at the camera. Isn't that pink vulture puppet awesome?? ;)

4 generations of Lee-Mitchell-Stevelt-Mitchells!

A picture of Dylan with most of her 3rd cousins from the Mitchell Family get-together at Bill & Nancy's on Saturday (this picture brought to you by Emily's blog! :)) Starting on the left: Mitchell holding Nolan, a sad Kylee, Mason giving Tessa bunny ears, Ella holding Dyl-frill, Lexi holding Leighton, and Claire holding Will & Aubrey. Not pictured, but present at the party: Brad & Marah. We're so sad we don't live closer so that we could spend time with this awesome crew more often - Dylan loved ALL of them! We definitely have a party animal on our hands. 

Dylan and Great-Aunt Patty Meade, at Patty & John's house on Sunday.

And the most random of pictures from our trip, but too cute not to add on here, Emily giving Tessa & Nolan their bath in Grandma Patty's awesome, big bath tub. :)

So I'm a terribly negligent picture taker, and am ashamed to admit that these are really all the pictures I have from our awesome 5 day trip to Wisconsin. (And even one of these is hi-jacked from Emily.) Dear Wisconsin family - please send us any pictures you might have taken while we were there - we'd love to have them for our own collection and to share on the blog! :)

We really had an amazing visit, and Dylan was such a good traveler. She actually slept through the night (HALLELUJAH!) 3 of the 4 nights we were there. Apparently the trick to having Dyl sleep through the night is to absolutely exhaust her by being on the go constantly, meeting about 20 new people per day, and having other small children around. That's going to be a hard schedule to maintain...

Thank you so much to Grandmum/Mum for having us, to Auntie Melissa, Uncle John, and Kylee for bringing every baby necessity imaginable to Grandmum's and making our trip so much easier and spending so much time with us, to Nancy & Bill for hosting the incredibly fun Mitchell family get together (and for loaning us the exersaucer), to all the extended Mitchell family members who came to said party, many of whom gave Dylan very sweet gifts, to Judy & Jim for coming up from Illinois to visit with us and feed us an incredible brunch on Sunday, to Patty & John for having us for dinner on Sunday, to Diane & Chadmo for humoring me by suffering through shopping at Century House with me - yet again, to Becky, Jim, & Ella for showing us their new house and introducing us to their new dog Lily, to Granny & Grandpa for just being there, and to Bob for coming to join us for a few meals and for being sweet enough to drive us to the airport today. We are so glad we finally made it 'home' to Wisconsin again - we love you all!

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