Thursday, April 5, 2012

Oh. My. Cuteness.

Cutest. Baby. Ever. (Along with her big sister of course. :))

The most amazing thing ever happened today! Dylan woke up at about 7:30 am this morning (not the amazing part ;)), and I brought her into bed to nurse. We both fell back asleep together while she was nursing, and then we woke up again around 8:30 am. She woke me up by sort of wiggling about in her swaddle, ready to break out of her 'pod' for the day. So I unwrapped her and we were just lying in bed together, snuggling, and I was saying good morning to her. She hadn't been talking at all, just smiling and stretching. Then she, no joke, reached over & touched my nose twice and said "ma-ma" at the same time! It was the most amazing thing ever!! And while my logical self tells me it was probably just a coincidence, my mommy self thinks that's entirely too big to be a coincidence! She wasn't even babbling before or after - she just patted my nose twice and said "ma-ma" while she did it! It was music to my ears. Let's hope it starts to be a regular thing soon. :) I love you so much, Dyl-frill!


  1. This is the cutest picture in the world!!!
    What a truly adorable little girl!!! (Guess I could be a little biased being her grandmother and all - lucky me!)

  2. Absolutely adorable and wonderful! She is SO cute and SO big that I can't believe it. We can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks - I hope Miss Dylan still has us penciled in ;)


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