Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ask and ye shall receive :)

Here are some more awesome pictures from our trip to Wisconsin, specifically from the Mitchell family get together at Nancy & Bill's on Saturday! Thank you, Aunt Nancy, for responding so fabulously to my request for more pictures! :) 

Claire (9), Lexi (9.5), & Ella (8.5) playing outside - during most of the party they were building a fort in the woods with lopper choppers in hand - a group of industrious little girls! Ella told me later that Matt and Mandy's big, black labradoodle gave them quite a start when they thought a black bear was sneaking up on them during their fort building fun. :) Thank Heavens it was just Morty!

Will (21 months) driving Aubrey (15 months) around in his gator. The gator claimed it was for ages 6 years +, clearly they weren't accounting for the advanced gator driving genes in the children of Lodi. ;) So cute!

Dyl & Auntie Melissa (& Baby boy Marshall!) playing in the grass.

"Whoa. Spinny & shiny. That thing is AWESOME."

Dylan with Grandpa Chuck, Auntie Arielle, & Grandma Beatriz. Apparently Grandpa's head makes a good foot rest... ;)

"I do not approve of the modifications to my hat. Even if it does keep it from falling in my eyes. Harumphf." says the Queen of the Pout Lip.

Another cousin picture! Tessa (almost 5), Mason (6), Brad (12) holding Aubrey (15 months), Mitchell (8), Ella (8.5), Lexi (9.5), Claire (9) - sorry if I botched any of the ages! They're all so cute, and I absolutely can not believe how grown up they're all getting. It seems like just yesterday Mitchell was 2 years old and saying "I'm a lucky boy, I'm a lucky boy" at Andrea & Adrian's wedding shower...

Aubrey (15 months) and Dylan (almost 7 months) - Aubrey's playing with the super cool baby record player, and Dyl appears to be growling at the camera. Ha.

A different version of the picture from yesterday's post. Just getting 12 kids, ages 9.5 years and under, to hold still for a camera for 2 minutes is a huge success - no matter who's crying or not looking!

The newest of the babes: Will (21 months), Aubrey (15 months), Leighton (9 months), & Dylan (almost 7 months). I love that there seems to be a "Round 2" of cousins/grandbabies, and that almost all the various families are participating! :)

Chadmo, Dyl, & me - The Stevelt-Mitchells! We had a wonderful visit - thanks for taking great pictures, Nancy!

Poor Dyl-frill is apparently allergic to Ohio. She'd been intermittently snuffly for a few weeks before we went to Wisconsin. While we were in Wisconsin, she was clear as a bell & slept fabulously. Yesterday, upon returning to the pollen pit that is the Hocking Valley, she was instantly stuffy again. Poor Critter was up every 2 hours last night and her nose ran like a faucet all day today. At least I know it's not a dog allergy, since Melissa & John's dog Tripp was at Grandmum Wisconsin's house with us. Let's hope it's just a pollen allergy and not a cat allergery. Time to acquire an air purifier for Dyl's room I guess...

This afternoon, my Mom, Dylan & I had some retail therapy at TJ Maxx since it was too rainy to go for a walk. It was quite the successful shopping trip, and Dylan was wonderful for the whole trip. We had a tasty girls' night out dinner at Chipotle before heading back to Logan. It is good to be home, to see Grandma & Grandpoppy again, to have all our pets with us again, and to have our own comfy beds. (Now if only we'd get a chance to catch some sleep in them!) ;) I do enjoy traveling, but I also love coming home!

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