Monday, April 30, 2012

A beautiful Monday

It was 75-80 degrees, gorgeous, & sunshiney here today. Dyl & I celebrated the gorgeous weather by dressing her in one of her adorable summer outfits for the first time. I just love getting to actually see her bare cutie-pie arms, chubby legs, and oh-so-nibbley toes! 

I took Dylan up to see her pediatrician today, mostly to confirm that poor Critter has allergies and not just some upper respiratory infection that I've been neglecting. Dr. Gibson said it was indeed allergies, and then she did Dylan's well check while we were there. She weighed 18 pounds 3.5 ounces (75th percentile), was 27.75 inches long (80-90th percentile) and her head was off the charts at >95th percentile (I can't remember the actual centimeters.) Our little Crabcake is not so little anymore! :) She's wearing 9-12 month clothes these days, and we had to move her exersaucer legs up a notch. I can't believe she's 7 months old already - and she gets more and more fun each day. We love you, Dylan!

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