Monday, April 16, 2012

Its' own gravitational force

The Pasta Primavera Casserole that Dyl & I made for dinner tonight. It was the first time I'd ever made this recipe, and I think it turned out rather tasty if I do say so myself. And it was pretty, too. :)

"Oooooh! My abacus!"

"This thing is awesome to play with with your hands OR your feet. But there are so many cool things on it, it does take a lot of concentration. Also, you have to be careful not to pull it over on yourself and bonk it on your head. Especially when you have a large noggin' like I do, it tends to have its' own gravitational force."

Cuter than cute. :) We love you so much, Dylan!

Oh my, today was a crabby day. Possibly the crabbiest day in weeks. I actually had to call Grandpoppy and ask him to come in for lunch so I could do something without hearing little Miss fuss. But then seeing Grandpoppy seemed to cheer Dyl up, and she was happier this afternoon than this morning. (Thank Heavens!) We went for a couple mile walk in town with Grandma this afternoon, and it was hot, beautiful, and windy. There were kids playing in sprinklers, people out mowing, and summery sights everywhere. It was lovely. After our walk, Grandma took Dyl while I went to the chiropractor, and then she and Grandpoppy stayed for dinner. (Pictured above.) Now Dyl, Chadmo, & I are just relaxing for a bit before bath time - yay for long summer evenings!


  1. Hi Kristy, Chad and Dylan. Love your blog and following all the new things Dylan can do and experience. Sure is fun reading your posts. What a cutie Dylan.

    California Dianne

  2. Thanks Dianne - we're so glad you enjoy our blog! We love sharing the cuteness with our friends & family! :) We hope all is well in California, come visit again sometime. :)


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