Saturday, April 28, 2012

Slumber Party Saturday

"Well, hello there! It's been awhile since we've had a bath tub photo shoot!"

"My Daddy is SO funny - I love him bunches & bunches! He is the best Daddy."

"I don't think he's so funny." says curmudgeon-y Forrest. "Harumpf."

"Necky washing - a necessity for one with cheeks like mine. I do like to hoard things in my neck fold."

Such a big girl - sitting up in her bath tub, 'fishing' for her ducks and sprinkly whale. She loves the water so much. I'm looking forward to taking her to 'Mommy & Me' swim classes this summer. :)

The party in our bathroom this fine Saturday evening. Dylly baths are the ultimate in entertainment. :) Cheers to Dyl-frill!

"But Mommy, I don't want to go to bed. I want to stay up and play with you guys..."

We're having a lovely dinner & slumber party with Sydney, Spencer, Katy, & Greg tonight. Dyl's been enjoying having lots of people to fuss over her, and to enjoy bath time with her. We're so glad we have such good friends!

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