Saturday, April 7, 2012

More pictures from the cutest photo shoot ever

"Hi Mommy! I LOVE snuggling with you in your big bed. I can't wait till I'm old enough to climb out of my crib and jump in bed with you every night!"

"What? You want a picture of me propped up on my arms?"

"No way, I'm too big and cool for that. I'll roll over faster than you can take a picture of me in that position. See, here I go!"

"Wheeee! I'm over!"

(Sometime later this week there will be 4 more pictures from this photo shoot! I was worrying to Katy K that I post too many photos that are similar because I think they're all so cute. She cleverly pointed out that no one is looking at this blog because they wish they were seeing fewer cute Dylan pictures. So I hope you'll all survive!) :)

P.S. Dylan ate peas, banana, and apple sauce for dinner tonight - it was practically a real meal! She did look at the peas suspiciously and I could tell she was thinking "You better not be avocados..." but once she realized they were peas, she was quite happy.

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