Thursday, November 12, 2009

The weather is gorgeous here in Ohio today - bright, sunny, and crisply cold! Haley and I just couldn't stand to stay inside even if it was chilly, so we bundled ourselves up (see picture) for a walk up the hill with the dogs. We walked through the field behind our house, along the edge of the woods (to avoid the neighbors loose Saint Bernard who is less than friendly) and needless to say the dogs forayed into the woods. Lo and behold, here comes a 6-8 point buck tearing out of the woods with Ruby hot on his heels, Bianca trailing after, and Tucker really trailing behind. Despite my calls and whistles they were all off across a couple of fields, cows pastures, and into another set of woods. Thankfully the buck didn't run towards the road. They all came back soon enough, and they certainly enjoyed their run! I also got the opportunity to learn that it is really not possible to run after dogs when you have a baby strapped to your chest - lesson learned, perhaps its time to invest in a shock collar? It was certainly a fun sight since everyone is okay!

Last night was a good night - Haley slept from 12:15 pm till 6:30 am this morning! Then she ate, went right back to sleep, and slept till 10:00 am! It was fabulous, and I truly appreciated the sleep, but I have to admit the excitement was tainted by the fear that this is just another sign that her appetite is dropping off. She hasn't eaten very well today, hopefully she will pick it up this evening. Really her feeding started to drop off when we started adding formula, so maybe with breastmilk it tasted good enough she would keep eating whereas with formula once she's full she is done? (If you've never tasted formula, try it - it's like eating a chewed up aspirin!) Hopefully she will get used to the taste and start to eat better soon! I just wish breastfeeding would've worked out for us.

Grandpa Chuck, Grandma Beatriz, and Aunt Arielle are coming to meet Haley-bug this weekend and we are all looking forward to the visit! Haley always enjoys meeting new people and winning them over with her chubby cheeks, pretty blue eyes, and adorable yawns. We welcome any healthy visitors who would like to come and meet her! We can't wait for flu season to be over so we can take her out in public and to large groups and show her off!


  1. Too cute! I love the Daily Haley! : )

    Kelly & Buz

  2. Would you please email this picture to me. I want to get copies and Grandma S. wants 12 copies. This is such a cute picture!


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