Friday, November 20, 2009

Love Bug

Last night was the first 'bad' night we'd had in awhile. After Haley's RSV shot yesterday she was pretty pooped and slept all day, so needless to say we were up late at night. Then she was still up pretty bright and early, and a little bit fussier than usual today. Probably all to be expected after a vaccination. In any case she seems to be doing better this evening and she has been up most of the day, so hopefully she will sleep well tonight. Tomorrow Chad and I are going to go Christmas shopping up at Easton and it would be nice to go well rested! I can't believe I don't have any Christmas presents yet, I'm normally done Christmas shopping months ago. This reminds me why I'm normally done so early, I don't like the last minute pressure! But it will be fun to go to the mall, I haven't done anything normal like that in ages. We'll see how long I can stand to be away from Haley-bug though, unfortunately it's impossible to get much shopping done with her along, not to mention she's not supposed to go to crowded public places. But it will be fun to shop for Christmas presents for her! :)

Another elusive baby smile - the tail end caught on camera! They all come out looking like smirks by the time I realize she's smiling and push the button!

Wearing my favorite outfit - our little Love Bug. Don't mind the fact that she appears to have no neck in this picture, it's an elusive creature these days - often hidden by chubby cheeks and extra rolls! Yay for a 10 lb 6 oz baby today!

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! Glad to be getting her for the whole day today!!


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