Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hitting the rings

What a fun day! Recently Haley has started getting excited when she sits in her bouncy seat and really acts like she'd like to get ahold of the animals that hang over her head. Sometimes she'll even accidently hit them and then she gets REALLY excited! Today we were playing on the couch and I was dangling this stuffed elephant that has rings dangling from one of his legs over top of her. She was just looking and looking and finally she hit the rings! She did it about 10 times in a row and started to leave her hand there for longer periods of time. At last I realized I should try to catch a little on video (easier said than done when you're holding the toy and the camera!) - so here it is! Sorry it's so short, I took it with my digital camera so it has limited memory. Especially with all the other baby pictures we have on it, haha. She's been cooing a lot today too, so that's great. And now when we read books together she will really look at the pictures. Though her attention span is about one book long, then she's bored with reading! The more interactive she gets, the more fun she is! Though I have to admit she's wearing me out with these long days - she tends to be awake for 8-9 hours straight with only a few little cat naps. That's okay with me though, so long as she keeps sleeping well at night. :) Hope everyone's having a great Tuesday!


  1. So fun! Can't wait to see Haley jump through rings, lol. Won't be long with how fast she is growing!

  2. That is so cute! She's looks just perfect. It's amazing to see how interactive she is with the rings and how aware she is. Awake 8-9 hours...wow! Go Haley! Thank goodness those 8-9 hours straight aren't at night!

    Love, Emily


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