Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2 days till Turkey Day!

Miss Haley-bug had a good night last night and a good day today. She was awake today from 9:30 am till 6:30 pm with only one 20 minute nap (which I tricked her into taking by popping her in the Baby Bjorn so I could do laundry and burn boxes)! She had a lot of contented independent play time this morning, happily playing with elephant and her bears in the pack n' play. Grandpa had lunch with us and we always enjoy his company. Really it's been a pretty uneventful day - which we like! We're looking forward to Thanksgiving and hopefully everyone will stay healthy between now and then so we can go!

Here's another video of her playing with elephant. Nothing new but I love videos - especially for the far away family!

1 comment:

  1. I love the tongue action! She is really concentrating. She is going to be super smart I can tell already!

    It blows my mind how fast that babies learn and adapt. First they bat at the rings, then they learn to grab the rings, then they learn to tear them down and chew on them, and finally they could care less about rings because they would rather take all the books off the shelf. HA!

    Enjoy it! I know you are :)


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