Sunday, November 22, 2009


Finally - a big smile caught on camera! Grandma and Haley-bug were having so much fun playing this morning that Haley was extra smiley, and Grandma saw her chance to capture a BIG toothless grin! Here it is. :)

Today was a busy day. Daddy, John, Katy, & Greg packed up our house in Columbus and loaded it in a U-Haul, then Daddy, John, Holly, Grandpa, and myself moved everything into our Logan house. Grandma babysat Haley-bug while I was helping over here in the afternoon/evening and then delivered her later in the day. We are very lucky to have such good friends and family - we would never have gotten all this done without them! Needless to say, our house is now overflowing with boxes, boxes, and too much furniture from two houses. It'll be awhile before we manage to sort through all of it and figure out which furniture goes and which stays. Luckily we have a long weekend coming up next weekend to hopefully make some progress! I'm anxious to sleep in our real bed for the first time in a long time tonight.

Tomorrow Haley, Great-Grandmom Stevelt, and I will be heading up to Children's for another recheck appointment. We are hoping and praying for good news/test results as always. Haley is still not eating very large volumes of food, but she is gaining like crazy! She's up to 10 lb 11 oz today - I think if she ate much more than she does she would become obese! She obviously gains very efficiently, a quality I'm sure she won't enjoy later in life. But hopefully since she is gaining so well they won't be concerned about her intake so much. She also has to have bloodwork repeated tomorrow because she had some kidney values that were mildly elevated when she left the hospital and at her first recheck appointment. Hopefully they will be down (or at least not increased) tomorrow. I'm always nervous and on edge the day before these appointments - I just pray everything will be okay and I also wish she didn't have to go through this. She is our little sweet pea and we love her so much.

Alright - one last cutie-pie picture to end this post!

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