Saturday, November 14, 2009

Visiting with Grandpa Chuck, Grandma Bea, and Aunt Arielle

Can you spot the big toothless grin above? They're the best!

Another beautiful Ohio day - perfect for our visitors from Wisconsin. Grandpa Chuck, Grandma Bea, and Aunt Arielle arrived yesterday evening and finally got to meet Haley-bug! Arielle stayed the night with us, and luckily for her Haley was a good baby again and only woke up at 3:00 am and then at 8:30 am to eat --> minimal crying to disturb Arielle's beauty sleep! Now today we've all just been hanging out, relaxing, and everyone except Haley and I went for a tour of Hocking County.

While they were out, Haley, the dogs, and I went for another walk - I truly wish this weather could last forever. Apparently a black bear sow and her two cubs were spotted a mile and a half from here yesterday, and I'm torn between the desire to see a bear and the fear that we might run into them! It's probably far more likely we'll never see them, but for now we're staying more out in the field and farther away from the woods.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! I can't believe it's less than 2 weeks till Thanksgiving - time flies!

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