Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th!

Happy Friday the 13th everyone! Watch a scary movie and pet a black cat to be festive! :)

It's a beautiful fall day in Ohio again today! We went for another fun walk up the hill with the dogs, who are getting so that whenever they see the Baby Bjorn come out that they get very excited! We didn't see any deer today and everyone was very well behaved. :)

After our walk we went and helped Grandpa in the clinic - Haley napped on the big chair while Mommy did a Fine Needle Aspirate of a mass on a dog's side (diagnosed a Cutaneous Mast Cell tumor - appears to be well differentiated which is good for the dog!), looked at the dog's eyes (it has chronic dry eyes) with Grandpa, and then watched Grandpa remove the mass. Then Haley decided it was time for lunch, so into the house we went. After lunch we were playing with Haley's favorite rattle, and she gave Mommy 3 huge grins in a row! That totally made Mommy's day!

Haley was a wonderful, wonderful baby and slept last night from ~12:30 am till 6:30 am this morning, and then from 7 am till 9:30 am! We really hope she can keep this up! She's eating a little better today, so hopefully she'll continue to do well throughout the evening and get her numbers up a little bit.

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