Wednesday, November 18, 2009

TGIW - because that means Friday is only 2 days away!

Okay, so this picture is from yesterday but it just makes me laugh so much that I couldn't resist posting it too. Talk about a 'deer in the headlights' look - looks like she's up to something ornery!

Haley's been having a very independent day today - fusses if I hold her too much and just wants to lay, stretch, kick, and play with her toys. Then when she gets tired of that, her swing seems to be the one thing that will calm her down. I guess they mean it when they say to snuggle your babies as much as you can in the beginning, because soon enough they won't want you too! Though tomorrow she'll probably be back to insisting I hold her constantly - and I love both types of days for different reasons!

It was rainy and dreary here today so we just stayed inside and enjoyed the woodburner. Grandpa came in for lunch, and Grandma came over after school and watched Haley so I could get a few things done. Now Chadmo is home and watching Haley-bug so I can go grocery shopping (Haley's not supposed to go to the grocery store). Haley loves Daddy snuggly time!


  1. aww, I love the photo! Is she laying on a boppy pillow or something eles? I love the pattern!

  2. Hi Carrie~
    Yep, it's a boppy! She really likes to 'sit up' in it because then she can look around. :)


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