Monday, May 21, 2012

Why can't every day be like this??

A picture from our car trip up to Columbus this weekend - Little Miss had just woken up from a 30 minute snooze. Isn't she the sweetest thing??

A picture of the girls hanging out in their diapers in the Dickerson's backyard today! This picture looks cruel: Dylan sharing my drink while poor Greta is forced to eat leaves out of the yard. ;) But really Miss Greta Jane had her very own ice cream - Dylan can't wait till her dairy intolerance goes away so she can have some ice cream too!

Dyl & I were quite the social butterflies today. We stopped in at Oldemor (Grandma Stevelt's) house to give her a framed picture of Dyl. We ended up staying for lunch and hanging out for about an hour. Then we headed off to the Dickerson's for some backyard play time and some cold tasty treats - it was a hot one today! My friend Marcy is in town from D.C. with her 3 kiddos, so we went out to visit them at her parents' house for a few hours this afternoon. We went for a short walk, but mostly we just caught up and I finally got to meet Cameron (6 months old) who we've decided should be betrothed to Dylan. ;) Then Dyl & I headed home for a nap and some intense nursing for her (other people's houses are too interesting to nurse at!) and some dinner for myself & Chadmo. Grandpoppy came in to visit while we were eating dinner. After dinner I headed off to town for my 3 mile walk with Heather, April couldn't join us this evening, and Dyl, Daddy, & the dogs went up the hill for their walk. At 9:00 I got back home, played with Dylly & Daddy in the nursery for awhile, nursed Dyl to sleep, and at long last I am crawling into a much desired warm bath and then headed to bed! Goodnight Moon!

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