Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A day at the mall

Today was an exciting milestone! Dylan and I went shopping at the Lancaster mall together, and while we were in Elder Beerman's, I was showing her some toys. When I showed her the seahorse featured below (its' tummy lights up and it plays lullabies for 5 minutes when you squeeze it), she just smiled and smiled. Then when I went to put it back on the shelf, she fussed and kept craning her neck around to look at it again. So of course, I had to buy it for her. It was so exciting to take her shopping and buy her something she wanted for the first time ever! :) She is just TOO cute! 

Dylan showing off her new toy to Daddy this evening after bath time.

"Shopping is fun, Mommy! (As long as you don't try on clothes, that's terrible.)"

Here's a picture with no flash, to show how cool his belly is when he's playing music & glowing. Dylly thinks he's pretty cool!

Dyl & I had another fun day today. After lunch we went to the florist to make a bouquet for Grandma as a "Yay it's the end of the school year!" present. Then we surprised her at school, just to say hello. Dylly thought all those hundreds of 5th & 6th graders were a little overwhelming, but she did a good job and didn't cry.

After we were done at Grandma's school, Dyl & I headed up to Lancaster. We went shopping, had an Auntie Anne's pretzel (almond - yum!), hung out in the play area and sat on the floor while we watched a bunch of little kids play on all the stuff (definitely Dyl's favorite part of the shopping trip), nursed in a changing room, shopped some more, and then headed home for a snugly, nursing nap. Then we had dinner with Daddy: BLT's which were quite tasty. After dinner I headed into town for my evening walk, and then came home for a last little bit of play time, a photo shoot, and then nursing Dyl to sleep. She didn't sleep worth beans last night, so let's hope tonight is better. I'm one pooped puppy!

1 comment:

  1. That smile is really something! She looks so proud of herself and of her new seahorse!


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