Thursday, May 3, 2012

My little race car driver

Driving her 'car' out at Grandma & Grandpoppy's house today. 

"Just call me Danica Patrick, Mommy! I'm a pro at driving, and I love shifting gears!"

Dyl & I had a busy day today. We went out to Grandpoppy's to have lunch with him on his afternoon off. Then we met Lindsey, Drew & Brooke Perry at their house to go for a walk in town. After our walk we hung out at their house for a little bit and watched Andy clean their pool which we're quite envious of! We played inside for awhile too and Brooke showed Dylan all her super cool toys. Then Dyl and I headed home for a dinner of Pizza Crossing with Daddy. I passed Dyl off to Daddy after dinner, and I jetted off to town again for a walk with Heather & April at 8. I got home around 9:20, played with Dyl for a bit before bed (I think I got more laughs in this half hour than ever before all put together! We were so glad to see each other after I'd been gone for a whole hour and a half. She was all smiles, giggles, and big hearty laughs! Everything I did was funny, it was great!) Then I nursed Dyl to sleep, and here I am. Now I better head to bed myself! Good night, all.

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