Saturday, May 5, 2012

A weekend at Grandma & Grandpa's

Take 1 of Daddy & Dylly on the porch swing this morning: so cute, but Dylly is looking at funny Grandma instead of the camera! 

Take 2: Adorable, and Grandma stood directly behind the photographer so Dyl-frill would be looking in the correct direction. ;)

Well, I finally stopped being a slacker and took Dylan to get her 6 month shots on Friday. To be fair, she didn't have her 4 month shots till 4.5 months, so we couldn't have done them till 6.5 months anyway. Then we went to Wisconsin, then she's had pesky allergies, yada yada yada. And let's face it, I just dread getting her vaccinated. She always gets a fever, feels crummy, and sleeps poorly - who would want to subject their baby cakes to that?? She was a trooper for the shots themselves though, she didn't cry at all for the first shot, and only cried for about 20 seconds with the second shot. I told her if she was older, that would've definitely warranted a bravery award!

Friday evening we came out to to Mom & Dad's to go for a walk and have dinner. We ended up staying the night, and right before bedtime Dyl's fever kicked in. She's been running a fever ever since, it responds to tylenol but pops right back up after 3-4 hours. We were supposed to go up to visit Aunt Katy & Uncle Greg today - they were going to babysit for us so we could go on our 3rd date since Dylly's been born! (Thank you so much for offering, K&G, we were very sad to miss out!) But alas, with a fussy, feverish Dyl, we decided to stay home and not run her about and wear her out even more. I know if I was feeling feverish and exhausted that I wouldn't want to go running around and do new and exciting things. So we've been relaxing at Grandma & Grandpa's, and they've been feeding us tasty meals while we take care of our Critter. She enjoyed an indulgent snooze at the boob for her evening nap tonight, a favorite pastime when she's not feeling her best. As you can see from the pictures above, she has been fairly cheerful in spite of her fever. She's such a trooper! We're hoping she gets well very soon.


  1. Don't feel bad about the vaccs. I'm a year behind in Orion's...I know I gotta get him caught up, just hate them sooo much. Last shots I got were probably at 9 months? And he's almost 21 months? so yea.....

  2. I'm glad I'm not alone, Cynthia! Yea, they said at a year they give them 5 or 6 shots all at once! No way are we doing that, so I'll split them up but that just means misery multiple months. I'm grateful we live where our children can get these shots, but I still hate them too...


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