Thursday, May 10, 2012

A professional tower toppler

"Hmm... what's this new stack of things? I don't approve of 'stacks' of any sort, I must topple them immediately."

"Oh, how fun! It's a bunch of rings to play with!"

"Oooh, and another tower to topple - blocks this time!"

"I'm a lucky baby - I love having so many toys and so many choices of things to topple!"

Reaping her Godzilla-esque-tower-destroying rewards: gnawing on her war spoils and basking in the sunlight.

I just love her ornery little smiles! And I absolutely cannot believe what a pro she is at sitting up these days. I remember her as the helpless little lump she was when she came home from the hospital perfectly, and sitting up seemed like an impossibly far away milestone. I can't believe we're here already! I love you, Dylan!

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