Friday, May 18, 2012

Al Fresco

Dyl's first time dining al fresco! I'm pretty sure she's drumming on her highchair saying "More sweet corn casserole, please, Daddy!"

I wish I was half as cute as her, and could get away with dining in my underthings! ;) 

Practicing her Tai Chi poses.

"Hey, what's this?"

"Oooh, a tasty iris!"

"Nobody lets me have any fun or eat anything cool." *pout* (I LOVE Grandma's smile in the corner. :))

"What are those dogs barking at over there?"

"Hey now, don't forget me out here! Mommy? I've had enough Tai Chi for one night..."

"Yay! Someone's coming to pick me up!" (Finally, a smile caught on camera!)

"No, no. I didn't want you to just set me down in another spot, next to some even peskier flowers that tickle my ear. Pleeeeeeeeease pick me up!"

Dyl has become a pro at raising her arms up to let you know she wants you to pick her up. I think it's most adorable, and I love that she has at least one thing she can communicate clearly to me now. An added bonus: when she's fussy and wants picked up, but I can't grab her right away, she fusses and waves her arms about and looks like an angry octopus, which is just too too cute. :)

Dyl & I walked 3.75 miles today. A personal record for us, particularly during the hottest part of the day, and I swear it seemed it was almost entirely up hill while pushing a stroller with a nearly 20 pound Dyl-frill in it! I'm not sore, but I am TIRED. The chiropractor has instructed me that I have to go crazy this summer and get as in shape as I possibly can. Hopefully then we can finally get my hip & pelvis straightened out and strengthened up. He was encouraging running, but between the heat and the hills today, walking sure seemed like I was giving it my all anyway. We'll see, maybe I'll have to start throwing a bit of running into our walks. Anyone want to loan me a jogging stroller??

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