Tuesday, May 15, 2012


*Pbbbbt* "I scoff at bedtime. Bedtime is for babies. I'm a big girl now."

"See, I can sit up by myself, while holding this butterfly with one hand and inspecting its' wing with my other hand. I couldn't do that when I was a little baby. Next thing you know, I'll be driving a car."

Whew, it's been a long day! Dyl only slept 8.5 hours last night (and she was up twice during that time). She didn't nap for more than 40 minutes twice today. She had to accompany me to the chiropractor this morning, which she wasn't crazy about. And then she pretty much refused to fall asleep for Jennifer this afternoon while I was at work, so she was up for 5+ hours straight, and was hyperventilating and practically in a stupor by the time I got in from work. (She did fall asleep for Jennifer for about the last 5 minutes, after making her walk laps outside for about 45 minutes, but woke up the second she heard me come in.) Poor Dyl, she just wants her Mommy to stay home with her all the time, I think. She sure breaks my heart when my working results in her feeling like that. We did trick her into another short snooze this evening, in our arms. But she fought bedtime tooth & nail, which never tends to indicate a good night's sleep to come. Hopefully she'll prove me wrong and sleep like a dream to make up for the exhaustion of today. We're off to meet with the first potential home builders tomorrow, so it would be nice to meet with them well rested. Either way though, it's incredibly exciting to be officially moving towards building! It would be nice to meet with them though when I am capable of speech and coherent thought, which is sometimes asking a lot after a couple of days of no sleep - a common problem among my fellow momma friends it seems. ;)

Wishing you all good nights of that oh-so-elusive thing called sleep!

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