Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Date Night

"Can you spot (ha ha) my new favorite toy???"
"I just LOVE to chew on her!"
Sophie le Giraffe is hands down Haley-bug's new favorite toy! She is made by a French company, Vulli, and she is made out of soft rubber that is lovely to chew on and she squeaks when you squeeze her (or chew on her!) Aunt Melissa sent it to Bug via Grandmum Wisconsin because Kylee loves her Sophie so much, and she has been a big success here as well. While Grandmum was babysitting tonight, she called to tell us that Haley was chewing on Sophie's legs and that every time she chewed on her, Sophie would squeak and then Haley would laugh hilariously! I wish we would've been here to see it!

As I just mentioned, Grandmum and Bob were so kind as to babysit Haley-bug for us tonight so that Chadmo and I could go out for Valentine's Day! We went down to a restaurant called Stephen's in Athens and on the way we picked up our friends Adam and Katie. After having a delicious dinner of tasty italian food, we went to a bar called Broney's for some drinks. I had something called a champagne daiquiri which was quite tasty! It was really a fun evening and I am now quite stuffed! Katie and Adam - we need to hang out more often!

Bug was very happy to see us when we got home, and we were very happy to see her! She told us she had lots of fun with Grandmum and Bob but that she was a little sad we went out and had fun without her. I told her I didn't see many babies at the restaurant and I wasn't sure it was her kind of crowd... ;) I also didn't see any formula on the menu, but maybe next year! She is such a sweetie pie and I love to see her big smiles when we come home!

1 comment:

  1. Precious!!!! I love that Haley lounges in comfy jam jams. I want to do that too!!!

    Sophia is a great name! You see, Haley and Sophia really are B/F/Fs! She named her giraffe after her! :)

    Unfortunately, I had to stop letting Sophia look at the daily Haley with me. She threw a complete tantrum the other day when I closed the larger view of a picture of Haley. I am convinced she thinks Haley is a doll! She always wants to pick her up right off the screen!


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