Saturday, February 6, 2010

Homework, homework, all day long (for Chadmo)

Forrest, looking pretty while we were all hanging out upstairs, enjoying feeling snuggled in by the snow.
Our cozy house in our snowy winter wonderland!
"I willfully refuse to roll over, but I can make a 180 degree spin around this play mat, pulling my legs up over and around the bars and shimmying around! No tummy time for me thank you, I think someday I will scoot on my butt instead of crawling! We'll see..."
Nothing like a beautiful, snowy day to make me feel content to hibernate in my cozy house by my wood burner!

I'm pretty sure Haley-bug has decided she should never, ever, ever be out of our arms again! And that usually, while in our arms, we should be up and walking laps around the house for her so she can check things out. Maybe she's frustrated she can't walk around herself? Don't get me wrong, she sleeps well for 10 to 11 hours a night, we wake her up once about half way through to eat, and she heads right back to sleep. Though she usually doesn't go to bed till anywhere from 1-3 am! At least once we get to sleep, we tend to get a goodly amount of it. But during her waking hours, she likes to be up and walking. We're trying to not jump up at every little fuss anymore, hoping she'll start to realize that she doesn't ALWAYS get what she wants (we can pretend, right?)... But I'm not very good at letting her fuss, so it's hard on both of us. Ah well, part of me is loathe to even lay her down when she naps during the day (and not only because she rarely stays asleep once I lay her down for naps), I just love to watch all the adorable faces she makes while she sleeps and to snuggle her close. I can't believe we only have 12 more days at home before we have to head back to he hospital... Scary, scary, scary.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures!
    Beautiful snow pics and Haley is as usual too cute!!


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