Thursday, February 25, 2010

Quick note

Sorry for such a short post - not much to say about today. Haley had another pneumothorax today but luckily they were still monitoring her frequently with x-rays so it didn't get as far and she didn't 'crash' this time. For now they are taking x-rays every 6 hours. Also, they realized one chest tube wasn't draining at all because it had clotted off, and the other one they decided was too far up and that's why it kept blocking on and off. So they managed to get the clot out of the one and they pulled the other one out a little further and hopefully they will both do their jobs and actually drain now. She's been peeing a lot again today and they actually had to give her a little fluid because she was losing too much and her blood pressure and oxygen levels were tanking. But she responded well to the fluids and has been relatively stable this evening. Keep it up Haley-bug, we know you can do it!

We love her to itty-bitty bits! With the fluid loss it's great to actually be able to see our Haley's sweet little face again. I can't wait till she can open her eyes and see our faces again, too.


  1. Keep up the good work Haley! Sending you lots of love!!!

  2. I can't wait for her to open her eyes to see her mommy and daddy either. Carrie said it..."keep up the good work Haley"!!!

  3. Hugs and prayers for all of you. Take care...Kathy C.

  4. Kristy,
    I read each day from a publication called The Daily Word. I wanted to share todays meditation with you. Today I hope you can feel some protection and comfort knowing so many are praying for Haley.

    I am confident and secure in the presence of God.
    If I am feeling discouraged or disappointed about any circumstance in my life, I take time now to become centered in prayer, to be at peace in the presence of God. No matter where I am or what is happening, I still my thoughts and move into a quiet place of communion with God.

    In this place of serenity, I remember the truth of my being, the part of me that never changes. I say to myself: "I am God's beloved today and always. The Christ Spirit is within me. Everything that is true about me remains. All the power of the universe is in me."

    Returning to my day, I feel my confidence restored and my sense of peace renewed. I remain in the strong and protected presence of God as I get back up and begin again.

    The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone.--John 8:29

  5. Dear Kristy,

    Thanks so much for the daily updates.I know it takes time and energy, and you have got to be physically and mentally drained. All of you are constantly in my thoughts and I am praying for Haley's recovery and strength for all of you.


    Sheila Kalklosch

  6. Oh that sweet little face of hers :)

    Like Sheila said....I really appreciate you taking the time to update The Daily Haley. It does take a lot of time and energy to write everything out - especially when you are exhausted. You rock.

    We are praying for you haley bug!

    Kate :)

  7. I am glad it was so short! I felt like that meant it had been a good day. YAY HALEY!


  8. Kristy,

    It has been a couple days since you have posted and I pray it is because you had an uneventful and good weekend with your family and Haley. Know we, meaning all the people who read your blog, are all thinking of you!


  9. Chad, Kristy and Haley-Bug,

    Sending love and prayers.

    Holly E


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