Friday, February 19, 2010

Surgery Day

I'm a pooped puppy and I better sleep while I have a baby sitter (the wonderful, wonderful Aunt Kelly!) so I will try to keep this short, but I couldn't stand to go to bed without updating everyone a little bit on here:

After 10.5 hours of surgery, Haley-bug is through with her Stage 2 procedure! She had some complications that prolonged the surgery, and I will try to find the time to go into detail about them tomorrow, but not tonight. She is still sedated, intubated, on the ventilator, and lots of pain control - and will be for at least the weekend. Her surgery was extra long and extra stressful so they are planning on her being on the ventilator longer than the average 24 hours, but aren't concerned about that. She is incredibly swollen and does have the dreaded Superior Vena Cava Syndrome - her head is giant, an eerie shade of violet, and her lips look like Octo-Mom's. All in all, I'm glad she's sedated and on lots of pain meds. Also, I am thrilled that they were able to close her chest at the end of the surgery! She has one chest tube in, and the two wires in case they need the pacemaker. So far she has been behaving herself though and I pray that she continues to do the same. She has had some minor bumps post-op, which is to be expected. So long as they stay minor it will be okay. Dr. Galantowicz said that by sun-up tomorrow we will be through the thickest part of the woods, but that for 24 hours post-op it's still pretty bramble-y in the woods. Also, as long as she is on the ventilator things are always a little less stable. I am hoping, praying, and wishing that by the beginning of the week we will be able to start to relax a little bit.

She is the light of our lives, the apple of our eyes, and we love her more than anything in the whole entire world. We are so glad that, even though she is swollen and miserable looking, she is through this huge "Super Bowl" of the surgery world (to quote Dr. McKee) and that she is here with us. I pray that our little Bug grows, thrives, and outlives us by many, many years. We love you, Haley-bug.

All for now, I will try to give lots more details tomorrow. Love ~ Kristy, Chadmo, & Haley-bug

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