Friday, February 12, 2010

The Olympics are here!

Haley-bug, pretending she tolerates sitting, with Grandmum & Bob! Watching the opening of the Olympics! :)
Well, we had a very nice and productive day today! Diane and Bob are the most wonderful people ever as they spent lots of time harassing our insurance company and multiple doctors offices to get a bunch of Haley's medical bills straightened out for us. That was the best gift anyone could give us! Then they also watched Haley so I could go to the doctor's office and have a mole biopsied (OUCH!) and then I also saw a couple of appointments out at the clinic because Dad was swamped.

When Daddy got home from work we had a tasty dinner of roast beef, scalloped potatoes, broccoli, and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies - YUM! And of course, lots of tasty red wine to go with the roast. One of the wines was a Malbec which I've never had before but was quite delicious. I will have to scout out more of them to try. Now we're all just hanging around, watching the Olympics opening, and keeping toasty by the fire. Bianca and Forrest have decided they love Bob and should follow him everywhere! Luckily he's very tolerant of pesky pets!

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