Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More snow!

"He he, Grandma's funny when she puts snowmen under my arms!"
More snow here in Logan (and most of Ohio it sounds like) today! Mom had a snow day from school and Dad actually closed up the clinic around noon because the roads were getting so bad! Even Chadmo got out of work about an hour and a half early because Athens county was already a snow emergency level 2. We're supposed to be getting a couple more inches at least tonight, and school is already cancelled for tomorrow - yay!

Grandma and Grandpa came and picked Haley-bug up later this afternoon so that Daddy and I could clean our house. Then we came out here too, though we almost didn't make it up the hill to their driveway, and we had dinner and now we're staying the night so Haley-bug and I can enjoy Grandma's snow day with her. :)

Last night was the start of a new bed time routine for Haley-bug. The last few nights before that she'd been staying up till 3-3:30 am and making me walk laps around the house for hours and hours and hours. So last night around midnight I started giving her two options: she could either fall asleep in her crib or be rocked to sleep, but walking laps was no longer an option. It took about 45 minutes and lots of trips back and forth, but she finally decided being rocked was better than nothing, settled down, and fell asleep at about 1:15 am. She cried some, but mostly was fussy till she resigned herself to being rocked. Tonight was round 2 of this new technique and we started a little earlier. Around 11:30 pm I started the same thing, and tonight she screamed a lot louder and there were a lot more tears, but there were also faster results. She resigned herself to being rocked in probably about 15 minutes, and by midnight she was asleep enough I could put her in bed. Now lets just hope she'll still sleep 11 hours for me! That's what I realized last night: when she goes to bed at 3:30 am she wakes up at noon, and when she goes to bed at 1 am she wakes up at noon. So all in all, everyone's getting more sleep and is much happier when she goes to bed earlier! It's hard on both of us though - I hate to hear her cry and she hates to not get what she wants! Hopefully eventually she'll realize this is the routine and she won't have to cry about it anymore... We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. This pic of Haley is so cute :)

    What a blessing it is that your parents live so close!!!! I'm glad y'all get to spend the snow day with your Mom. Enjoy it, friend :)

    Keep up the good work with getting Haley into a bedtime routine!!! It makes SUCH a difference!

    Thankful for you,
    Kate :)


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