Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our Sweet Dyl Pickle

Possibly my new favorite picture of Dyl. :) Smiley with a hint of ornery - that's my baby!

I suppose we see a fair amount of this pout face too - but it's awfully cute as well. :) I think she might be an actress when she grows up, she has such an expressive face.

This picture just looks like she's laughing so hard! Really it's just a smile, she's chuckled twice now, but I can't wait till she's giggling all the time.

Her outfit is correct. Her mommy does love her - and so do many other people. She's a lucky little girl, and we are lucky parents.

Looking at Penguin & his associated rings, which she is becoming quite the pro at hitting and grabbing. She's started to study her hands, and is really making progress on the hand-eye-coordination front. It's so amazing to watch her grow & learn!

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