Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

Daddy & Dylan spending some quality time together yesterday evening. Aren't they cutie pies?

Well we do lots of rocking, and our rocking chair is near our Christmas tree, so I guess that counts as 'Rockin' around the Christmas tree'! :) We've been having fun this week because our friends Aaron & Andrea Ogle, and their kids Asher & Anna, are in town till after the New Year. We got to hang out with them for a bit on Sunday evening, and then tonight Dylly and I went over and hung out with them while Chadmo was at a work Christmas party. They've been living in San Francisco this last year, and we haven't seen them since last Christmas, so it's lots of fun to have a chance to catch up with them & see their kiddos who have grown so much. Aaron's parents live right across from the cemetery where Haley-Bug is buried, in fact Aaron's Mom was the person responsible for finally getting us a headstone that we liked. On Sunday they saw us out at the cemetery, putting up Haley-Bug's Christmas tree, and Asher (who is only 5.5 years old) could read almost the entire back of her gravestone which is in cursive! I was so impressed! They have some smart munchkins. :) We're looking forward to spending a lot more time with them before they head off to Philadelphia after the New Year, and with the Dickersons, & the Klingelhafer-Gallensteins who will be in town next week. Of course we can't wait for the holidays with our family, that's what I love most about any holiday, but it's great to have so many friends in town to spend time with too!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice picture with daddy! Our wishes to you all for a wonderful Christmas.


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