Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Dylan multitasking by practicing brushing her 'teeth' while playing with her toys in her playpen. It's never too early to start brushing - gums need brushed too! :)

"Hmm, Mommy, I'm not sure about putting this bristley thing in my mouth. It is kind of fun to chew on though..." (She'll let me brush for her for a second or two, then she has to be in charge again, and then I sneak in a couple more seconds, etc.)

Watching 'Baby Signing Time', which she absolutely loves! I love having it as 20 minutes of guaranteed entertainment in my pocket for when I really need it during the day. It's something to be hoarded carefully, and I'm always trying to save it for just the right time when I need it most, haha. At least I feel like it's educational, since she really does use the 'all done' sign quite a bit now. Here's hoping she catches on to more of them! 

Well, we gave Dyl a dose of Tylenol last night before bed to see if it would help with teething pain and sleep. It must have, because she slept MUCH better last night. She was so happy today after sleeping well last night, and took a couple of 1 hour naps today too which was awesome. We gave her tylenol again tonight, so here's hoping it works a second night in a row. We go in for her 9 month check-up with Dr. Gibson tomorrow, so I should have some baby stats for tomorrow night's post! :)

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