Sunday, July 1, 2012

Land Hurricanes

A cutie-pie picture of Dyl-frill, taken by her sweet babysitter Kate, on Friday. Kate was just here for an hour and a half, so I could take a much needed nap, but which was cut short by the crazy storm that ripped through Logan on Friday. Thankfully we are all safe & sound - but our thoughts are with those who were not so fortunate. The weather has really been wild this year. Here's hoping it can settle down and get back to normal soon.

It's been a week/weekend of small children's birthday parties, baby showers, and storms. We've been in negotiations on a house in Logan for over 2 weeks now - so that's been an enormous time consumer, and I'm not sure that there will ever be a light at the end of the tunnel! (Melodramatic, I know.) House buying was much more enjoyable the first time around. We'll see if we even end up with one for all our efforts this time!

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