Thursday, July 5, 2012

The last of the beach, and one pre-land-hurricane sky

The fresh seafood market & a shrimp boat, the "Lady Kathryn", at Surf City.

The fresh seafood market's message to everyone. :) 

Can anyone make sense of this madness?

They had delicious shrimp! I think Mom & Poppy had it almost every night while we were there.

The sky, just before the land hurricane on Friday. Pretty wild.

Well, we're now without electricity - as of 11 am yesterday. Last night we stayed at Grandma Stevelt's, who has power and heavenly A/C. Now Mom & Poppy's power is back on, so we've migrated over here today. The clinic is without power, along with our house, so no work for me this afternoon. Poppy worked this morning, but that's not an easy thing to do when there's no running water or lights! So he just saw emergency cases and made phone calls, etc. Mom graciously watched Dylan while I took a long nap today - 2 nights of terrible sleep in a row was making for a grouchy me. I'm feeling much better now, with a nice nap under my belt and some A/C to lounge in. Here's hoping our electric comes back on soon - I'd make a terrible Amish person...

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