Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A big day of firsts!

This is a picture of a BIG girl who had so many firsts today that it's hard to keep track of them all! She clapped her hands/played patty cake for the first time today. She pulled herself up to standing on a chair for the first time today (previously she's only pulled herself to standing if she's holding our hands, or to kneeling if holding on to a chair/crib/etc.) She then proceeded to pull herself up over and and over again till she was a pro at it! While she was holding on to the edge of a chair in Mom's living room, she took a step - her first step while not holding on to our hands. And she pooped in the potty for the first time ever this evening! I think that's it for firsts for the day, but my goodness what a lot of them. Also, she peed in the potty for the second time ever this morning. Such a big girl!

"Ha ha, Mommy! Now that I can crawl & scoot about, I can come over and get ahold of this thing your're always pointing at me and flashing me with!" 

"This strap is pretty cool, but my pesky bangs keep hanging in my eyes. They need to grow out fast!"

Since Dyl pretty much requires a clip for her bangs these days, I decided to start making some. I got the idea for this type of clip from one I bought in Worthington, brand name "Cutie Heads." This is my first attempt at making one myself, and I'm pretty happy with it. It was fun to make!

"Much better, Mommy. No bangs hanging in my eyes while I play with my toys!"

***WARNING**: Do NOT scroll down if you're easily grossed out, or really if you're not a mother AND not easily grossed out!

Dyl's first poop in the potty! I'm so proud! And she'll hate me so much for this picture someday, haha!

(Ok, I had to remove the picture because I decided I didn't want it to show up in the printed version - or haunt Dyl forever on the internet! So just do your best to imagine it here, or don't. ;))

1 comment:

  1. What's ur secret on getting Dylan to poop and pee in the big girl potty! I would love to teach emilee early. Congrats to Dylan on her many firsts!!!


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