Saturday, June 2, 2012

T-15.5 hours!

Dyl started hating her baths earlier this week, completely out of the blue. So the last 2 nights she's taken her baths with Mommy, and now she's back to loving bath time. (Thank Heavens!)

"Hey Mommy, let me have that little bath squirty squid. I bet I'd like calamari.

"Hmm... what's this? My baby bathtub didn't have one of these..."

"EH! I'm almost strong enough. I can pull this lever half way down, but not quite all the way yet. I'll make it my bath time goal."

Isn't that the cutest butt you've ever seen?? Dyl was reaching for her rubber ducky & plopped over on her stomach & into my lap. She was happy as a clam to lay in the water like this. She kicked her legs a bit and played with her toys. This is a move we'll have to practice, and she'll be swimming in no time! Just call her Michaelina Phelps. 

"See, I still love bath time. I'd just had enough of that baby bathtub. I'm a big girl now, I need to be in this big tub with LOTS of water to play in!"

Tonight was Kelly & Jesse's wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. We had a super fun evening, and are very excited for all the fun stuff that's going to be happening tomorrow. I can't believe the wedding is only 15.5 hours away! Time really has flown - the wedding is here, Dyl is 8 months old & doesn't need a baby bathtub anymore, beach vacation is rapidly approaching - where do the days go? (Wherever they go, they never leave enough hours for sleep, so I better get to bed while the sleeping's good!)

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