Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More iPod photography

The pretty flowers & adorable note that were waiting for me when I walked in the door from my walk in town this evening. The note says: "If the flowers look a little mangled, it's because they were assembled with love. - Haley & Dylan" I have the sweetest babies (& husband) in the whole wide world. :)

THIS is what was waiting for me when I turned around after putting Dyl in her crib for a minute so I could get some clean clothes for her to wear! She can officially pull herself up! Just to kneeling on this lower side so far, but Chadmo lowered the crib mattress all the way down this evening before bedtime, just in case. 

"This is so much fun, Mommy! I can get into all sorts of trouble this way!" ;) 

Proud of herself! (She is our CUTE little monkey. :))

Our little jail bird. 

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