Friday, June 8, 2012

Beckley, WV

Dyl & I left Logan around 3:30 pm today and headed off to Athens to swoop in and steal Daddy from work and then take off on vacation together! We just drove 3 hours today, and we're staying the night at a very nice Holiday Inn in Beckley, WV. Dyl was a trooper in the car, she only had about a 20 minute fussy period and was happy otherwise and took 2 naps. We have 7 hours to go tomorrow, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that she likes traveling 2 days in a row. If we'd realized what an early start we were going to get today, we probably would've tried to push through for a couple more hours tonight. Oh well - it's made for a fun evening! 

When we arrived in Beckley, we went to Fujiyama - a Japanese Steakhouse - for dinner. It was delicious, and even better than that, Dyl LOVED it. She sat in the highchair for almost an hour, happy as a clam and mesmerized by the chef. When there were big bursts of flame, she would just stare in complete wonderment and then kick her legs like crazy! It was adorable! Apparently we need to only dine at these sorts of restaurants from now on.

After our dinner, we went to the hotel and fed Dyl her dinner. She ate an entire serving of squash and an entire serving of applesauce. Apparently traveling gives her an appetite!

"Mmm, mmm, Mommy, this is good stuff! I like eating on a bed with my toys, we should do this at home!"

"Hotels are fun! I like going on adventures with you & Daddy!"

"Okay, I'm really hungry. May I have some more food, pretty please? Otherwise I might have to eat this foot I'm holding on to..."

"Stuffed full. Much better. And this spoon makes a delicious dessert."

Daddy & Dyl - all ready to go swimming in the hotel pool after dinner. Dylly's modeling her new crabcake swimsuit, we're looking forward to wearing that a lot this week!

I couldn't resist getting one of myself & Dyl too, since she was in her cute new swimsuit for the first time. :) She LOVED the pool. We even dunked her underwater for the first time, and all she did was get big eyes and look rather startled. But she didn't fuss, and she played happily in the pool for at least 20 minutes after that. She's happy to splash away and get water all over her face, and she kicks her legs like a little frog. She's our little water baby!

She's been such a happy girl today - it's been wonderful! I think she's going to be an adventuresome one when she grows up - loving parties and traveling. 

Yay for family vacation! Here we come, Surf City, North Carolina!

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