Monday, June 25, 2012

Please excuse the iPod photography

"Look at my foot, Mommy! Isn't it cool? It's lovely to chew on, and just to hang onto in general."

A happy babycakes, just waking up from her afternoon nap yesterday.

I'm always happiest after a lovely nap too. :) Love those smiley eyes & that Dylly-smirk!

Tags are the best. 

Today was an awesome summer day! Heather, Emrie, Henry, Greta, Andrea, Asher, Anna, Dylan, & I invaded the Klingelhafer's new, amazing pool for some swimming this afternoon. The water was just perfect, and Dyl loved floating around like a pirate captain in their baby boat, as usual. She thought it was extra fabulous to have all the other kids there to watch - she's still wishing for a big brother or sister for her birthday. I guess I'll have to start shopping on the black market... ;)

Captain Dylan, aboard her Pirate ship today!

After the pool party, Dyl fell asleep in the van on the way back to our house. So we cruised around town to prolong her nap. Then we headed home, made BLT's for a quick dinner for when Daddy walked in the door, and then after dinner we all rushed off to town for a walk with the Dickerson clan. I'm feeling pretty pooped after 3 hours of pool time and then 2.5-3 miles of walking this evening - I think I better head to bed! I love summer & good friends & family!

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