Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One Week Old

Falling asleep in Mommy's arms after a late night feeding - aren't her mittens cute? Also, we love our Halo Sleep Sacks, and Riverside gives each baby born there one embroidered with their logo. I think it'll be a pretty cool thing for her to have some day!

More snuggling on my chest - I think she would sleep forever if someone held her this way non-stop!

Napping with Grandma on the couch yesterday - so sweet. <3

This picture's from today - Dylan doing some modified tummy time with Grandpoppy while she was wide awake. She's such an alert little Roo during her awake times!

Chadmo & I took Dylan for her 1 week check up today with Dr. Scarmack, our pediatrician. We were thrilled that he once again said she looked just perfect! We had to take her in this past Thursday because the hospital said we left early (I'm still skeptical about this), but I was happy to comply as I'm a bit of a paranoid Mommy. :) At that point in time he also said she looked perfect, and just to watch her jaundice over the weekend - but that he didn't predict it would be a problem. Her weight on Thursday was 6 pounds 8 ounces, and he also said that was typical of a newborn & being breastfed. Over the weekend she did very well, and while her jaundice got a little worse, it started getting better quickly. And we were thrilled today when we went back in and she's back up to 7 pounds 1 ounce! Just one ounce under her birth weight, and 9 ounces of gain since Thursday! I guess in spite of our breastfeeding trials & tribulations, she's been eating like a champ. Go team! :)

Last night was so wonderful I'm afraid to even talk about it... I guess I will, since I know we can't expect any sort of schedule or regularity at this point in time! But last night Dylan ate at 10:00 pm, was asleep by 10:30, slept till 3:30 am, woke up and ate a couple times between 3:30-4:30, went back to sleep & slept till 8:00 am, ate & went back to sleep by 8:30, and then slept till 10:15 am - when we had to get up to get ready for the doctor's anyway! Even if it doesn't happen again for a long time, it was a great night & we've been feeling almost like normal human beings today! I'm not as optimistic for tonight, because Dylan was quite sleepy today, but we'll take it when we can get it!

Alright - someone is calling to be fed - time to wrap this up. Goodnight all!


  1. A week already!? No way!! I can't believe how alert she looks in the last picture. I'm glad you upload them high res, so I can see her sweet little face really close up :)I'm super excited to meet her!!

  2. We're super excited to have you meet her, Miss Carrie! :) I can't believe she's now a week & 2 days old already either - especially because it means Chad's going back to work on Monday, boo-urns! It's been so nice to have all 3 of us home together, a lovely 'baby-moon'!


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