Thursday, October 20, 2011

Do I look sleepy to you??

Sorry for the very poor picture quality this evening, our camera is shut away in the room with Daddy who is sleeping, so we have to resort to ipod photography. Semi-dark room + no flash = grainy pictures! But in any case, it's midnight here in Ohio, and I'm wondering if this baby looks sleepy to you?? ;) But if you know me, you know being up till midnight is no hardship for me, so we'll just be hoping she starts looking sleepier soon. (*fingers crossed*)

Another grainy picture, but this is the tail end of a smile! We need an SLR camera so we can take photos instantly, not 5 seconds too late.

Mimi came back to stay with us today, which is perfect timing for our new night owl schedule. She's rocking Dylan now and using her magical Great-Grandma rocking, shooshing, and patting skills to lull her to sleep so I can have a free minute to type up this post. It's a much appreciated break, as poor Miss Dylan has been quite the crabcake today. We had a great night last night, and she woke up happy, but ever since she's been up she's been much fussier than normal: not even consoled by walking the floors at times and seeming very gassy. She was eating every hour through most of the day, but fussy feedings and I don't feel like she was really hungry, she was just nibbling because she didn't know what else to do to console herself. Then maybe a restless nap for 15 minutes or so, fuss for a bit, nibble for a few minutes, and then it starts all over again. I didn't eat anything we haven't had before, so I'm not sure what the culprit is. Maybe just a crabcake-y day! Here's hoping she starts to feel better soon and can sleep restfully tonight, and wake up to a better day tomorrow! But even if she is a fuss-budget again tomorrow, Mimi will be here to keep us company and that will make it all much easier. It's extra nice to have help when you have a crabby baby!

Wish us luck in getting some sleep tonight! :) We hope you all sleep well & have sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe she's just a night owl like her mother and great-grandmother!!!


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