Thursday, October 13, 2011

On a new 36-hour schedule?

After being awake for what seemed like 36-48 hours straight, Miss Roo has now been sleeping since ~3 am this morning. Lets hope she's planning to sleep all night too to make up for her crazy long awake stretch in the previous couple of days & nights! Here are some pictures of our sweet, sleepy baby snuggles from today...

As cute as babies are in clothes, they're even cuter when they're naked, swaddled in blankets, and snuggled in your arms. :)

I just love all the cute things she does with her hands. I feel like she practicing her poses for ANTB (America's Next Top Baby - copyright: Katy K.)

This one is supposed to be horizontal, but for some reason I can't convince Blogger to upload it that way. In any case, I know all these pictures are pretty much the same, but she's so cute I couldn't choose just one! :)

With Grandma here today, I managed to get 9 hours of sleep between 12:30 am & 2:30 pm! That's the most sleep I've gotten since the Saturday before Dylan was born, and it was much needed & much appreciated! It was so wonderful to just have to wake up and feed her, and then get to go back to sleep (have someone else to walk her around & get her back to sleep.) And for about half of that sleep I even went and slept in a back bedroom, while Mom was up and listening for Dylan if she woke up. It's amazing how much deeper you sleep & how much more restful it is when you know you don't have to be on alert for baby cries. I know I thanked you in advance yesterday, but I have to say it again: thank you so much Mom!

All of my great sleep, combined with my antibiotics & catching the mastitis extra early, resulted in my fever being gone already and feeling almost back to normal today. I'm still a little sore, and have a bit of a lingering headache, but I feel pretty good otherwise.

Well, Miss Roo persists in being asleep, so I think I better do the same! Good night!

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