Thursday, November 8, 2012

More of our cute little zebra :)

The computer finally cooperated, so here are more of the pictures from Halloween and Dyl loving her zebra costume! 

Dylly with her two main men. :)

Proud parents of a zebra filly. ;)

Striking the perfect zebra pose.

"Can zebras climb stairs??"

"This outfit is SO awesome!"

"What do you mean I don't get to wear this every day??"

On the move. <3 p="p">

"I'll get you, Grandma!" (She was having so much fun!)

Showing off for Grandma and Grandpoppy.

Checking herself out in the mirror. 

Also - Happy Birthday to my Mom! We love you bunches and bunches, and we don't know what we'd do without you. We wish you hadn't had parent-teacher conferences tonight so we could've celebrated with you on your actual birthday, but we're glad we got to have dinner with you and see you last night. Love & hugs from all of us. XOXOXO.

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