Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dylly's 1st night at Grandma & Grandpa's

A sneak preview from our photo shoot with my friend Carrie Patterson when she was in town in October. I asked her to send me one of her favorites, and now I'm just dying to see more. I think I love everything about this picture, but I REALLY just almost can't stand how adorable Dyl's toes are. I could just nibble them right off!

Dylly stayed the night at Grandma & Grandpa's last night (without us) for the first time ever! It sounds like she had a wonderful time, and she was a good girl and slept from 9:10 pm - 7:15 am for them. (Traitor baby. ;)) She got to have pizza crossing with them last night, and a french toast breakfast this morning. They brought her back at about 10:30 am today. She nursed and then fell asleep instantly and proceeded to take a 2.5 hour nap! Her longest nap EVER! She must've partied hard with Grandma and Grandpa. ;)

Chad and I had a super fun evening - we went to a party at our friend Tom's cabin. I actually played a game of King's, and I know it has been at LEAST 3 years since I last played a drinking game. It was tons of fun, and I even managed to not be hung over today. A+ for grown up moderation! After the party, we came home (Chad was the responsible DD - thank you Chadmo!) and slept a consecutive 8.5 hours - for the first time in 1.5 years for me. It was so incredible, my body thought it needed to go run a marathon or something. Then Chadmo continued his sweet husband streak and made us a french toast breakfast-on-couch. Dylly arrived home shortly after we finished breakfast, and our wonderful night was made all the better by hearing how good she'd been for Grandma and Grandpa, and having her safely back in our arms.

I must confess, when we got home from the party I had a desperate moment of begging Chad to take us out to my parents' to sleep. It was so hard to be here without Dylly sleeping in her bed, and I wanted to go to where my baby cakes was. But my DD was a meanie and insisted we stay at our own house and soak up the uninterrupted sleep. It was a step we needed to take sometime, and the uninterrupted sleep was glorious. Thanks for standing strong Chadmo. :)

A huge thank you to Mom & Poppy for taking such great care of our Dylly-roo and giving us such a fun evening out! We love you bunches!


  1. Dylan was great company! We're already looking forward to future slumber parties!!!
    Love, Grandma and Grandpa S.

  2. What amazing parents you have Kristy!! I so wish mine were closer to do stuff like that!


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