Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First Steps!

Well, over the last week or two, Dylly has been taking a step here or there. If she's holding on to the coffee table say, and she wants to get to the footstool, she'll let go and take the one step in between. But no more than that or she just gets down and crawls. She has been standing hands free for slightly longer periods of time, and yesterday she actually took a drink standing up, and never fell down! Then Chad reported that last night she went from kneeling to standing for the first time ever. Now today while she was with Grandma while I went to the doctor, she started walking about 5 steps from the coffee table and over to Grandma's arms! She did it multiple times for Grandma, and again and again when I got home too! It was sooooooooo adorable. And she was so proud and excited for herself. She's going to be cruising in no time. :)

Dyl also had her one year check up today (a little late, I know.) She got 4 shots (including her flu shot), poor cricket. :( It breaks my heart. And she's getting her upper incisor in, and she's just sort of an ouchy, miserable mess all around. I guess she's decided to acheive all her milestones in one big whack! Teeth, shots, standing, and walking all in a day or two! She hadn't gained any weight or gotten any taller as of this check up, but the doctor said that's not too unusual in babies who are still nursing past a year, and who haven't taken a huge liking to cow's milk. So she said just to keep doing what we're doing, but maybe push the cow's milk whenever we can. Dyl is starting to like it better, so here's hoping she takes off with it (and weans herself!) sometime soon. :)

"Helping" Mommy unload the dishwasher. Generally, standing on the dishwasher door is a no-no, but it was momentarily allowed for a cute photo-op. It's almost impossible to keep her off of it these days though, so unloading the dishwasher has had to become a stealth mission. 

WooHoo, Spatula! She's such a good helper. ;) 

My cutie pie - I love her to bits! 

Baby wants out, dogs want in. The grass is always greener.

Taking a step towards Mommy! She was getting pretty worn out at this point, we'd just been soaking up the awesomeness of her walking and not taking pictures till pretty late in the game. So Grandma had her hands near by as a safety net, but Dylly was doing it all on her own. Go Dyl! :) :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Great job Dylan!! Those first wobbly steps are so precious! And those incisors are a rotten mess to cut; I wish babies didn't have to cut teeth- or at least that it wasn't painful for them!


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