Monday, September 8, 2014

Fun at the Wayne County Fair

Checking out the dairy cows with Grandma & Papa.

"Hmm, this looks like a nice cow..."

"Maybe I'll pet her."

"Ahh! That's one long tongue!!"

Her first ride of the night - the dragon roller coaster! She's been talking about this one since the washboard festival. She looks serious here (waiting for it to start), but after one lap around she was all smiles!

On the race cars, and my cousin Jenny's little boy Liam is on the motorcycle (the outer one) behind her. :)


Getting ready to fly in a helicopter - Liam was in there with her but you can't see him. They were so brave!

Liam & Dyl on the bug ride - they were so cute together! They're just 2.5 months apart in age. 

Dylan's first ever trip on the Ferris Wheel! We had SO much fun. 

The cutest fair ride companion I've ever had. ;) She kept saying "Look at me, Daddy! Look at me, duckies! (There was a rubber duck game below us, ha!) Look at me, guys! (Guys = Grandma, Papa, & Mimi!)

Pretending we're that cow from earlier, or auditioning for KISS??

Riding the horses. <3

 We love the Wayne County Fair! We all had a great weekend, I just wish it could've lasted longer!!

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