Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fun at the Hocking County Fair!

We went to the fair 4 days this week (and twice on Tuesday!) We had a great time, and Dyl's going to be seriously bummed out when she realizes we don't get to go ride rides and see animals every evening when Daddy gets home from work! She was so cute on the rides, and she looked so grown up.

My boys. <3 Blake took his evening nap at the fair every time we were there. He's a trooper.

My new favorite picture of Dyl. :)

Having SO much fun! 

She was very particular about which car she wanted to ride in. And since this was Monday night, she usually had the rides to herself! That was great.

Blake's first trip on a Merry-go-round or any ride for that matter! Next year we'll put him on a horse. ;)

Chadmo is very talented and fanagled both kids into position so I could take the picture. :)

Dyl loved watching this cow groom her calf.

Dyl also thought our matching hand stamps were awesome. It's so cute to see what a nearly 3 year old finds exciting!

The market lamb I fell in love with and tried to convince Chad we should buy. 

Haley's 5th birthday fell during fair week. How much fun would that have been if she had lived?!? A giant party & rides, just for her! 

Really I think her birthday felt extra hard this year. Maybe because I didn't get to mourn her in Februrary since that is now Blake's birthday. Or maybe just all the thoughts of how we should have a 5 year old, almost 3 year old, and 6 month old running around. Always so much lost potential, and so many what ifs.

Haley at 5 months.

Dylan at 5.5 months.

Blake at 5.5 months.

Blake all dressed up for the fair! My new favorite picture of him!

More rides! She loves to steer. ;)

Waiting in line together. <3 I love her to bits.

Such a big girl! Potty trained these days too!

There are no words for how much I love Dylan & Blake.

Snuggle buddies.

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